Food Packing
Caring Congregation


Being a place to gather for worship, learning, and serving takes gifts.  The gift of time is one we cherish.  When time is given our financial resoures are used in ways that are more impactful. There is purpose in volunteering where you can use your gifts and talents.

Worship Hospitality

Those who serve in hospitality roles create a welcoming environment for visitors and members.

  • Greeters are available in the Welcome Center to assist those who are new.
  • Ushers offer worship material and answer questions.
  • Coffee and donut volunteers set our fellowship table, serve, and clean up.  
  • After the worship service  the team takes a moment to pick up stray bulletins and straighten the materials in the pews for the next time.

Our tech team volunteers provide support for both in person and online worshipers on Sundays and for special services like funerals and weddings.

  • Camera Operator for live streaming
  • Sound Board
  • Presentation Slides

Volunteer cleaners provide us with a clean safe place.  We are looking for those who are willing to adopt a room or a floor of the church for weekly cleaning.

Wednesday Foundations programs start with a Commumnity Meal in the Fellowship Hall. The meal is completely prepared and served by volunteers.

  • Food Prep
  • Set Up
  • Clean Up

The role of a church children’s ministry volunteer involves assisting in organizing and facilitating age-appropriate activities and lessons for children, providing a safe and nurturing environment, engaging children in games and crafts, helping with check-in and check-out procedures, and maintaining order during activities.

  • Sunday School Teachers and Assistants
  • Wednesday Foundation Rotation Leaders and Assistants
  • Lesson Prep
  • Straighten Rooms after use

To volunteer in our children’s ministry programs training a background check will be required as well as training in Safe Spaces and CPR.

The purpose of a church youth ministry volunteer is to provide loving, long-term role models for students, offering Christ-like love, support, and personal interest in their lives. Additionally, they engage in organizing activities, teaching, and discipling, contributing significantly to the health and impact of the youth ministry within the local church.

  • Sunday Breakthrough Assistants
  • Wednesday Foundations Assistants
  • Fund Raising
To volunteer in our youth ministry programs training a background check will be required as well as training in Safe Spaces and CPR.


Jesus gave us a specific mandate to “Love our neighbor as ourself.”  Whether we are weaving mats for the unhoused, serving in one of our partner non-profits, hosting events for our neighborhood, or prayer for others we are working to do as Jesus said.

Caring Congregation Team

Led by Pastor Patti Ford, the Congregational Care Team plays a vital role in extending Christian care, concern, and support to members and friends of the congregation. Their main task is to keep the church connected with those who cannot physically get here.  They visit, send cards, and provide seasonal gifts as reminders that Broadway is still their home.

They meet once a month on the second Tuesday over the noon hour, however attending meetings is optional if the time doesn’t work for you.  If you are looking for something you can do from home, you are welcome to contact us and be a part of the team by writing greeting cards.

Broadway’s Prayer Team is a group of people who are passionate about praying for others, because we believe that prayer matters.  We prayer for each other, our church, our community, and the world.

On Mondays the week’s prayer requests are emailed to members of the Prayer Team.  We only share requests when we are given permission to do so.  We ask that you include those listed in your daily personal prayers.  If you feel prompted by the Holy Spirit to reach out you are welcome to do so. But, please keep the requests private within the Prayer Team.

This team works diligently to provide Broadway’s neighbors the opportunity to get to know us.  Each year we host 2 Block Parties in our parking lot.  We open our doors with the 100 Block Halloween event as a fun place of treats and games.  We also shown support at the local 100 Block Pride event.

This team needs those who are willing to help with promotion, set up, and clean up.


We know that life can be hard.  We also understand that when assistance is needed, we do not have the negotiating power with utility companies and landlords that other community organizations have.  In order to offer the best help, we partner and offer financial support to organizations that assist in specific areas.  Many Broadway people offer their time serving with our partners.

Philip's Cupboard

Philip’s Cupboard is a non-food pantry housed right here in the lower level of Broadway UMC. They supply cleaning supplies and personal products for those needing a little extra to get by.

They are open on Mondays and Fridays from 12:00 – 2:00 PM and on Wednesdays from 4:00 – 6:00 PM.

Patrons may visit once every 60 days and must have Pottawattamie County ID.

Care and Share’s mission is: To feed and clothe the people in need within our community while treating them with dignity and respect.

Open at two locations, Care and Share is a food pantry and free thrift store.

1808 5th Ave.
Open Mondays and Thursdays from 9:30 AM – Noon

600 Main Street
Open Mindays and Wednesdays from 5:30 – 7:30 PM

Interfaith Response is a non-profit organization staffed entirely by volunteers.  As a partner, we often refer people to Interfaith who, due to unexpected hardship need a little temporary help with housing and utilities.

Click or touch their name above to find out more.