Rev. Alexis Johnson
May 23, 2021
Scripture: Ezekiel 37:1-14; Acts 2:1-21
Common English Bible
Hi! Pentecost’s sermon was more Ode to the Spirit than a conventional sermon. Here it is in its entirety rather than an outline. Enjoy!
On this day Jews and Christians celebrate God-speaking work
50 days after Passover God gave the Teachings to Moses as the children of Israel wandered in the wilderness. Giving us all wisdom into how to be holy and loving in our relationships.
50 days after Easter God gave the disciples a nudge of power out the door that began the unleashing of Christianity around the world.
The Spirit of God was there
Ruah Pnuema
Feminine words
She comes as
Breathe and Fire
She is the Spirit,
Life – giver
Where the Spirit goes, life follows
In Genesis, she is the first breath puffed into a mud nose
She is wisdom calling on the street corner
and words of God in the ear and heart of prophets
She is promised to be out poured on all flesh in dreams, visions, and prophecies
She is ecstatic expressions of dance and wandering with crowds praising God
She descends as a dove
She drives out to wilderness places
She is wind and fire
She is Comforter, Truth-Teller, Advocate
She prays for us in the places beyond, around, and underneath where words will go
She is giver, equipper, calling forth gifts from within us for the glory of God
She speaks in and through the text of God
She sets heart aflame with a strange warming experience of assurance
She is the experience of God
She is every breath we breathe
She is experienced by each of us differently but her purpose is always the same,
to bring us closer to God and be God’s voice in our hearts
We may only really know her by the fruit of her work
But she may be clearly seen in us and by us in others by the fruit, and the work, and the gifts of the Spirit
And She is available to us today
To be in our hearts
And calling
And nudging
And fire in our bones
And breath from our mouths
As we speak the love of God into the world