Christmas 2024

The people who walked in darkness have seen a great light;
those who lived in a land of deep darkness on them light has shined.

Isaiah 9:2



December Worship

Welcome to Broadway United Methodist Church, a vibrant, inclusive, community of faith where love, grace, and service are woven into the heart of everything we do. Our mission is to seek a deeper connection with God and each other as we grow together in faith, and serve our neighbors through acts of unconditional love.

This December, join us Sundays at 8:30 or 10:30 AM as we wait and watch new life spring up around us.

  • December 1-Fig Trees & Freeways: Luke 21:25-36
  • December 8 – (Don’t) Get Ready: Luke 3:1-6
  • December 15 – Unwanted Gifts: Luke 3:7-18
  • December 22 – Turn the World Around: Luke 1:38-55

NOTE:  On December 29th we will hold one worship service at 9:30 AM

All Sunday worship services are streamed live. Click the button below.


December 24, 2024

Featuring a Brown Bag Christmas pageant.  All kids are welcome to participate and will be given a bag with a simple costume.

A traditional Christmas with Bible readings of the Christmas story and Christmas carols sung to organ accompianment.

Both services will feature Candlelighting as we sing Silent Night and Communion.  All are welcome.

Both services will be live streamed to our facebook page.

Both Christmas Eve services will be streamed live. Click the button below.


Sunday December 22, 2024

7:00 PM

In Person Only

This worship experience will provide a place for us to bring the parts of ourselves that we hide from others during the holiday season. Together, let us hold a space that allows us to experience our grief and our longings during a time of year when we believe we must present a joyful exterior. 
We will have blankets for you to wrap yourselves in and candles to light as we remember our loved ones and circumstances. Feel free to bring your own blanket and/or pillow as well! 
In order to hold a loving space for vulnerability and grieving, this event will be in person only. Thank you for understanding! 
We will have digital offerings throughout the evening on December 21st to hold prayerful space for those in our virtual community as we live and breathe through the longest night of the year.  Click the Blue Christmas button to follow.



Broadway UMC owns the parking lot on the east side of the church building.  You can enter the lot from either Broadway or Pierce Streets. 

Enter the church through the double glass doors on the parking lot side of the building. As you enter you may take the elevator to level 1 or take the stairs up one flight.  At the top you will enter the Welcome Center.  There will be hosts available here, but if they have stepped away, move past the kiosk and you will see a ramp to the right (on the other side of the half wall).  The Worship Center is just through the double doors at the top of the ramp.

For the 4:00 PM service we will be inviting all children to participate in our Brown Bag Christmas Pageant. 
Nursery for infants and toddlers is available during worship.
However, we welcome children in the Sanctuary for families who wish to worship together.

A favorite Christmas traditions is the passing of candlelight during the singing of Silent Night.  The light from the Christ candle is passed down each pew from one person to another.  

Broadway provides battery operated candles for little ones who may be too small for wax candles.  If you prefer this safer option, please be sure to ask the greeters for the children’s candles.

Broadway UMC and all United Methodist Churches celebrate and open table. All are welcome at God’s table.

In order to allow our pastor and the staff the opportunity to spend their holiday with family and friends, the church will be closed on Christmas Day.