Rev. Marvin Arnpriester
January 31, 2021
Scripture: Psalm 23 and John 14:1-3
2020 has been a difficult year. Many of us have experienced the death of someone close to us. In response to this, humans have an innate desire for something more than this life and experience on earth. With that in mind, different cultures and religions have come to various understandings of the afterlife.
With all these ideas, conceptions, and different beliefs, how does one sort it all out and come to some semblance of peace?
Take Away and Call to Action:
Rev. Arnpriester’s beliefs about heaven:
Take confidence and comfort that God’s love is stronger than death – and whatever happened to Jesus also happens to us in death. Specifically, we are safe in the care of God for time and eternity.
Thanks be to God!