Rev. Alexis Johnson
June 27, 2021

Scripture: Galatians 5:16-26

Trouble: How do we describe the Holy Spirit (or Holy Ghost, as Wesley would say)

  • Describe the wind – usually think about effects or impact
  • Let’s do the same with the Spirit 
  • The Bible uses words like Breath and Wind to describe her

For Wesley, Holy Spirit and Grace were interchangeable

  • Experience Grace or the Spirit in three ways
      1. Before we know God – prevenient 
      2. When we accept a relationship with God – justifying
      3. As we grow more fully into the image of God – sanctifying

Paul gives the FRUIT of the Spirit – Love, Joy, Peace, Patience, Kindness, Goodness, Faithfulness, Gentleness, and Self-Control

  1. All together one fruit
  2. Defined by the life, teaching, death, & resurrection of Jesus
  3. Also serves as a test for what we hear/experience from other Christians – If the words/actions/teachings don’t increase the FRUIT then it’s not powered by the Holy Spirit 

Good news! Fake it ‘til you make it is VERY Methodist 

  • “Preach faith until you have it, then you’ll preach faith because you have it.” Wesley. – John and Charles Wesley experienced the Spirit’s assurance (justification) AFTER they started Methodism
  • Outward actions of fruit probably come first in our journey and that is great – Sanctification brings our feelings in line with the action

ALL of this is made possible by the work of the Holy Spirit

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